En lugar de irse de vacaciones de verano a la Toscana o hacer la ruta Praga-Viena-Budapest, este folleto enseña cómo viajar a Siria a convertirse en recluta del DAESH. Qué buen rollito, qué buena manera de divertirse: degollando infieles varios y otros detestables individuos, matando mujeres que no quieren acostarse con hombres tan atractivos (qué exigentes son, con lo que poco que exigen los jihadistas) y destrozando obras de arte, no vaya a ser que alguien descubra que hay vida fuera del Islam. La alianza civilizacional es asín: coge a todo descerebrado, mentecato e inadaptado que pilla y lo usa con tan buenos fines...
Islamic State has published a detailed travel guide for would-be recruits with information on how to get to Syria and what they should pack. The 50-page manual called Hijrah, meaning 'holy emigration', includes details of safe houses and routes for Western wannabe jihadists and has been compared to a gap year travel guide. Aimed specifically at young people, its full title is 'Hijrah to the Islamic State: What to pack up, who to contact and where to go. Stories and more!' Published in English, it boasts that ISIS members 'live in Turkey in some peace because Turkey fears revenge attacks', enabling them to help ISIS recruits slip over the border into neighbouring Syria without being caught.
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