martes, 3 de febrero de 2015

Grecia entrega su economía a cuatro ideólogos del marxismo

He proposes the Greek government bonds that are held by the European Central Bank to be replaced by two new types of bonds: growth-link bonds and perpetual bonds. It's not hard to see that the value of both bonds is nearly zero so the "swap" is almost exactly equivalent to the cancellation of the debt. Varoufuckis' sleight-of-hand is just another cheap fraudulent maneuver similar to the tricks by which Greece has convinced some other European politicians that it had satisfied the conditions needed to join the eurozone.

Te vendo algo que vale 0 y tú me prestas varios miles de millones de euros, además de lo que ya me has prestado y encima voy por ahí tirándome el moco de haber salvado a Grecia de la troika.

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